By lockdown, Wed, 07/17/2024 - 10:50


LOCKDOWN V9.0 Release Image


Hello there ... a very warm welcome :)

Did we say we are super-excited?

LOCKDOWN V9 is here!!!

Where shall we start? We simply have too much to share with you. You can watch this video for an overview, or read on to find out more.

Enhanced Generators for Songs, Drum Machines and so much more ...

LOCKDOWN is not just another DAW. We designed LOCKDOWN to inspire you to start and finish complete tracks. In this release, we have enhanced many of the sample generation, filtering and song generation algorithms.

LOCKDOWN V9.0 Wizards Image

Whether you want to generate synth patches, instruments, drum samples, audio loops or complete song structures, you now have more precision and control over the process.

Whether you are trying to overcome procrastination and need that inspirational spark to get you started or you want to break out of the monotony of your awesome but limited loops, with the inspiration to extend them to complete song structures, let LOCKDOWN inspire you with ideas.

We have made enhancements to our complete range of sonic wizards, including wizards that:

  • Generate song strutures
  • Generate drum machines
  • Generate and shape drum sounds
  • Generate samples, including melodies, drum loops, pads, single shots, and more ...
  • Generate midi sequences for instruments and synths
  • Generate midi sequences for drum patterns
  • ...

LOCKDOWN V9.0 Drum Machine Image

... and don't forget the awesome Regenerator, which you can trigger for limitless re-generation and playback of your synths, instruments and drum loops.

Automations, Automations, Automations …

Hey, did we mention automations? We have gone automations crazy. You now have convenient, in-place, and floating windows that let you create realtime automations across a huge range of dedicated racks and shared racks within different units.

LOCKDOWN V9.0 Automations Image

Synth Automations

You can now create realtime automations on all the synths. Just try the ‘modulation index’ param on the FM Synth… simply awesome.

Rack Automations on the Player

Every single pattern has its own dedicated FX Rack. As well as automating the synth params, you can now automate params for all FX units on player racks.

Rack Automations on the Slicer

Yep, you’ve guessed it. You can create realtime automations within slicer racks… and don’t forget, every audio slice can have its own complete FX Rack to play with.

Rack Automations on the Drummer

We didn’t forget the Drummer :) You can now create realtime automations on all drummer racks. This includes the shared racks that group different drums.

Floating Racks Viewer for the Drummer

The drummer FX racks are now separately visible and dockable, alongside the master sequencer racks.

LOCKDOWN V9.0 Drummer Racks Image

Scalpel feature on the Slicer

The Slicer is designed to create beat-matched loops from any audio fragment. If you need greater control over specific audio sections, you can now create fragments that reside within the grid but do now necessarily extend to the end of a bar. Very useful when you don’t want to loop but just playout a sequence or release single shots.

LOCKDOWN V9.0 Scalpel Image

New FX Units

To celebrate the expansive new automation features, we simply had to indulge in some new FX units.


You can position LFOs within any rack and control nearly 150 separate parameters across different FX units. You have to hear it to believe it! … Well, you can't quite hear it, unless you are focusing on the target unit of course, but we think you know what we mean :)



Compression is great, but sometimes we want to shout about the bits we love. Try the Expander. It is also utilised by the new PHAT Stereo unit to give you that beat-sensitive stereo expansion…. aaahhhh, simply … what's the word? We can’t quite find the words … you’ll just have to try it out.

LOCKDOWN V9.0 Expander Image

The PHAT Ones

The start of a whole new premium range of FX units, that pack complete FX chains within intelligent and compact units to instantly transform your sounds.

PHAT Stereo

Simply click it on and feel the stereo width. This innovative unit uses a range of stereo separation and blending techniques to provide you with instant width and depth to your sounds. It’s also adaptive to the input signal and you can utilise the DUAL-MONO mode to create those extra thick stereo dimensions.

LOCKDOWN V9.0 PHAT Stereo Image

PHAT Fader

What can we say about this brute. It packs a complete mastering chain into a single fader. Stick it on any channel and hear the transformation. Powerful, Precise and Delicate, but brutish when you want it.

LOCKDOWN V9.0 PHAT Fader Image

PHAT Master

Need more control? The PHAT Master provides an expanded view of the PHAT Fader. A convenient and powerful unit, providing everything you need to master your sounds.

LOCKDOWN V9.0 PHAT Master Image


With three separate LFOs and lots of clever filtering, clipping and stereo widening, you can add instant shine and movement to any sound.

LOCKDOWN V9.0 Exciter Image

Mid-Side EQ, Parallel EQ, Dynamic EQ

To add to the parallel features on the EQ, we have introduced the ability to act on parts of the signal, including Mid, Side, Left and Right channels. The EQ now also has dynamic features with the ability to set Threshold and Smoothing parameters for individual filters.


A range of individual filters

You may not need all the features of the full 8-band parametric EQ in certain scenarios. We have introduced a range of filtering options, each with the same visualisation, dynamic and mid-side filtering capabilities. They include:

  • Bandpass Filter
  • Peaking Filter
  • Notch Filter
  • Highpass Filter
  • Lowpass Filter
  • High Shelf Filter
  • Low Shelf Filter

LOCKDOWN V9.0 Filter Images

The EQ and all new filters are now fully touch-enabled.

A new visual De-Esser unit

Simply drag the bandpass filter to the desired sibilant frequency location and decide on the level of dampening you want. Intuitive and powerful, why restrict it to just vocals? It can also be a great creative tool.

LOCKDOWN V9.0 De-Esser Image

Multiband Gain Unit

We have an awesome new Multiband Gain unit, enabling you to fine-tune levels across different frequency bands.

LOCKDOWN V9.0 Multiband Gain Image

Multipressor Enhancements

We have incorporated a version of the new Multiband Gain Unit directly into the Multipressor. Very convenient when you want to adjust levels of individual bands before compression.

LOCKDOWN V9.0 Multipressor Image

More FX…

The Compressor now has a gain slider at the beginning.

The Reverb unit also has a post gain slider at the end.

The Sidechain unit has a smoothing component and a more granular trigger gain slider.

Mastering Rack on the Sample Browser

Yes, there’s more… We have included a complete FX Rack on the Sample Browser, enabling you to shape and master samples outside of the master sequencer.

LOCKDOWN V9.0 Sample Master Rack Image

Cool New FX Look and Layout

FX units now have some cool scales, providing better context and a sleek new edgeless look-and-feel.

You can now click a single info button to display all parameter names at the same time.

You can now expand whole FX racks to view large format FX units and still have the compact versions when you need more space or context. Don’t forget you have a compressed rack feature that enables you to expand and collapse all units at the click of a button.

New Drum Sequencer

The drum sequencer has been extended to enable creation of up to 16 bars without having to paint anything on the master sequencer.

LOCKDOWN V9.0 Drum Sequencer Image

Pre-delay on drums

There is now a dedicated pre-delay slider available against each individual drum.

Master Sequencer Enhancements

You can now directly drag and drop patterns on to the master sequencer, without having to create song pattens first.

The Visualiser

The Visualiser animates any audio fragment and you can use it to see the unique heartbeat of your song. The Visualiser now has a cool one-click feature that can also produce a video of your track. Keep staring, it's based on the FFT analysis of your audio frequency spectrum.

LOCKDOWN V9.0 Visualiser Image

Sample Generation Sequence Viewer

Want to see how the Composer weaves its magic? The Composer now keeps a log of the steps it follows, including synth selections, parameter settings and the full chain of fx units that it uses to generate and shape the sounds you request.

LOCKDOWN V9.0 Sample Gen Sequence Viewer Image

If you like something you hear, simply click the Player icon and the Composer will load the patch for you.

Scale and Key Selection

The Player now has a growing list of popular scales, which you can use to stay in tune and also create compact views of the keyboard.

LOCKDOWN V9.0 Scales and Keys


We can keep going, and tell you about the myriad changes we've made to enhance usability, performance and stability to enhance your music production workflow, ... but why not just click the button and try it?

Launch Composer

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